Saturday, July 28, 2012


Assalamualaikum & good morning to anyone who happens to pass by on this beautiful Saturday afternoon :)
It's the eighth day of Ramadan already. Time is sprinting, sprinting, and this evening I'm going back to kaytee, which is going to make me a weensy bit upset. I mean, it's not that I'm not used to fasting far away from home--I had three years' worth of that already so I'm prepared. But it's the fact that I won't be fasting at Kemaman. Yup, I guess there's still traces of Tesmal-sickness left inside me.

Despite that, I think that I've left for the best. But then, what is destined for us is always the best for us, don't you think? At first, hmmm yeah I felt down-hearted, disconsolate. I cried most of the time, but well, once you let the tears awash.. everything takes on a crystalline view. Lovely. I love the change, and what it had brought to me.

There's been so much new memories with new friends that I've never imagined meeting before. I've done things that I've never imagined doing in my entire life, honestly. I guess my horizons have widened a bit since I left my old school, and that's something. However, no one can ever replace the old faces, and hopefully they'll remain embedded in the deepest coves of my heart. All my friends, old and new, are my heart and soul.

It is difficult to accept change, I'll admit that. But somehow you'll just adapt to it. Reform. Metamorphose. But the essence of you, will remain intact. However much you've changed, there's still that piece of uniqueness that makes you you. Don't be afraid of change. Because no matter bad it seems at first, it'll lead you to the best that will ever happen, as long you have faith in Allah, that He will make the best happen. Don't we always pass through trivialities to attain the bliss? :)

Peace out. Once my ramble mode's activated, I could type a thesis.