Friday, November 25, 2011

sickness is a blessing :)

Ahh, today I'm feeling under the weather.
This morning .. as in 5 something a.m. I was throwing up on undigested dinner. And my face was paler than Edward Cullen--okay, that's totally hyperbole. I hardly feel nausea kicking in my stomach most of the time, only during long sleepless journeys--that's cause I'm roadsick. So actually I don't even know why I vomited.
now I'm in bed with a sickly face and a queasy stomach that won't accept any food, and only a little water.
But well, maybe God wants to tell me something. I mean, I've read that sickness is a sort of hidden blessing, and we shouldn't complain that much.

"Sickness wakes people up from heedlessness, guides them to give up their sins, makes them think about the Hereafter, leads them to pious foundations; makes them more thankful to Allah, and teaches them the necessity of taking better care of their health and making better use of their life - something they didn't realize before, teaches them to understand other sick and pained people better, to feel sorry for them and to help them; and rises their ranks and degrees higher in the Hereafter."

And anyway, a little queasiness couldn't compare to all the dangerous, chronic diseases out there--cancer? leukemia? stroke? AIDS? Heart failure? Nauzubillah. We should be grateful that we are granted with succulent health, and if we do get a little sick, there are always others that suffer more (may Allah bless them, and heal their pain so that they could lead a happy, healthy life).
So hmmm, let's not complain when we are befallen with sickness and pain. Okay? :)

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