Sunday, December 16, 2012


I'm not sure whether the word "holidaying" exists or not.
Wait I'll check my trusty built-in-with-software-dictionary-cum-thesaurus-cum-mini-wikipedia.
OK it does exist. Yay!

Assalamualaikum my esteemed subjects. Meh I'm acting like I'm some queenie which, on the record, I'm not, well.. I meant dear readers. (which I think there might be close to nil)
Well it's nothing much of a holiday to me I guess, no special family vacations, it's mostly staycationing, homework and hefty tuition classes in the suburbs.

Still I think it's been an okay holiday so far. 
Maybe a little lonely without my big sister bossing me around. I miss her a lot cause we've been together for so long.
And maybe you'll be like, "duh, she's your sister?" but nooooo you might not be able to understand. You see we're almost inseparable. Almost. Out of my other siblings, she's the nearest by a two-year gap. When we were younger, it was just me and her, her and me, no one else. I played with her, bickered with her, faux-wrestled with her, play-acted with her, schemed embarrassingly senseless plans of the imaginations with her, did most of everything with her. She is one of my best friends, and I love her in my own irksome annoying way. She is equally obnoxious--no, probably more--so mind you, I'm not the only annoying sister here okay.

My older sister was a permanent inset in my life, so when she'd flown to Jordan, I......felt.........something missing. No more quarreling and squabbling for cucumber slices. No more talking about weird wanky stuff. No more... yeah if I'd write out all the stuff I did (or attempted to do) with my older sister I'll end up with an excruciatingly long post.

So now, I'm spending my hols with my little siblings, a little sister and a little brother. There's too much years between us so sometimes it can be a little awkward. And I couldn't believe that my little baby sister has grown into this piqued, sullen, long-limbed preteen. I can never take her seriously because it feels like it was only yesterday she was a baby with the puffiest, pudgiest cheeks I've ever set eyes on, with huge rounded eyes and teeny squashed lips, dripping milk all over her front. Now she's asking me advice about girl stuff.

Or rather, I'm the one offering her free girl-to-girl advice like I'm an old lady as she cantankerously rolls her eyes and taps one finger most irritatingly on whatever surface she can tap her finger on. I can just see the words "Oh no, here she goes again" forming in her mind, but whatever, I ramble on.. in hope she'll get some sense. I mean I'm hardly qualified to give teenager advice but well.... whatever. Hehehehe :p

But there were good times. Like the time I baked strawberry cheesecake with her recently! Haha she's great fun when she's in her good moods. We turned up the music and danced in the kitchen as soon Mom's back was turned and yeaaaah it was awesome, no kidding.

Helloooo Mr. Delicious :D
And that was a satisfactory result, even though the base is crumbly. Oh come on it was our first and foremost attempt. Nice strawberry tanginess melded with the cream cheese. Blissss ~ of course, I do like strawberries :)

Anyhow that's it. Other stuff, I'll update when I'm able to interpret my swirly thoughts in words.

Saturday, December 1, 2012


Assalamualaikum & good evening to everyone.

Today is the 1st of December. Which means that I'll have exactly 30 days to reach the 31st of December. And by the tomorrow of 31st December, technically I'll be seventeen. And when I'll be seventeen, there lies one of the Malaysian teenager's greatest academic battles:


Seeeeeee I've put that word finely uppercased, extra-large and bolded just to be precise.
Haih, I can't believe I'm getting older. No one gets younger by the day. People may look younger as time passes, nowadays, but that's because of the miraculous but haraam use of Botox, Restylane, collagen injects, hair dyes, hair extensions, blahblahblah to superficially maintain the beauty of the physiognomy. But despite that, time's winged chariot will always stride ahead and their superficial notions of so-called beauty shall plummet into a great rubble. Such is the foolishness of the human race. All that blooms shall wither. Even the most exquisite, velvety petals of the beautiful Rosa centifolia would fall to the ground and finally be decomposed by saprophytic bacteria with their vesicles of lysosomal enzymes.

Right. I'm getting a little carried away.
As I am saying, I am getting older and I'm going to sit for my SPM exams next year.
A notion that is quite frightening for me. And the other 96's, for the matter.

So yeah I should cut down on my looooong onlining habits and back up on Form Four Chemistry, which I suck at, big-time. And the other subjects too because no subject is ever less of importance. But because I'm not so partial to Chemistry, I have to put a little more emphasis on that subject until I nail it.  Along with the other subjects. I'll do my best, insha-Allah.

I couldn't say "There's nothing to it", because there's a lot to it, it's not a simple feat to accomplish. And with that, I'll effectuate the damnedest.