Tuesday, February 28, 2012

distance cannot separate us, my dear

Sadness is tugging at my heartstrings.
Because yesterday, 27 February 2012 at around 1617 hours, I have officially left Tesmal.
The school that brings a thousand memories to me, perhaps more? It brings so much colour, so much meaning to my life as an adolescent.
And apparently, times change. People change. There are ones who bid farewell, and there are ones to welcome, and there are times to create new memories...while cherishing, preserving the old sweetness of the past in our hearts and minds :)


Ah. Can I proceed in Malay?

Masa orang tau aku nak pindah, memang lazimnya mulut-mulut akan bertanya,
"Nape mung nak pindah haa?" ataupun soalan lain yang lebih kurang sama maknanya, namun berbeza kosa katanya berdasarkan identiti si penyoal. Biasanya memang adalah disertai dengan bebelan tak puas hati secukup rasa. Ada jugak yang tak cakna langsung... alah, aku tak kesah pun. Bukannya aku rapat/kenal gila-gila dengan semua orang dalam batch aku kan. 

Tapi aku blah memang tak kena hari la. Nasib malang aku pindah masa hari semua orang pekse (a.k.a ujian dalaman bulan Februari) jadi tak sempatlah aku ambik gambar banyak-banyak ke, nak berpeluk-salaman dengan kawan-kawan sepuas hati...almaklumlah, mereka ini semua memang fokus study tatkala ujian/peperiksaan menjelma. Aku rasa macam penceroboh je kadang-kadang bila aku nak ambil gambar diorang (muka bersalah >_<).

Aku dapat tahu pasal tawaran SBP masa otw pergi majlis kecemerlangan PMR, mak aku yang SMS. Mula-mula aku macam ... hahhh?! Lepas tu, ihikhikhik (gembira lah kirenya ni?). Dan kemudiannya, adoii mak rasa macam nak nangis (sedih) la pulak. Dan ketika itu Anis yang duduk kat tepi aku menjadi orang pertama yang tahu aku bakal blah ke SBP.

Hari-hari kemudiannya. Fikiran aku (agak) bercelaru, tapi takdelah tahap gila...alhamdulillah. Setakat termenung sini-sana ada la kut. Biasanya kalau aku berhadapan dengan situasi camni, study aku sepatutnya tak terjaga, tapi rakan-rakan sekeliling seringkali bertanya aku tentang soalan addmath (WHYYYY?!) jadi secara tidak langsungnya, aku pun turut study sekali lah dengan diorang. Banyak kali jugaklah aku ke hulu hilir mengajar orang addmath (tapi aku takdelah pandai gila addmath, cukup-cukup makan je) sampai menjelajahi kelas 4 Ikhlas,

ta-daaaaaaa.. 4ikhlas :D
sementara menolak tawaran menjelaskan prinsip-prinsip kimia kepada orang lain kerana ...... aku suka sangat berangan/berkoya tah lain/tidur/tak menumpukan perhatian dalam kelas Kimia. (mintak maaf cikgu!)

Aku sempat lagi ambik ujian hari pertama bersama kawan-kawan aku. Tak kesah dah hal borang-borang yang bermacam tu. Lantak la, ni ujian terakhir aku kat sini, aku kena ambik jugak walau apa jua yang berlaku! (kes-kes kecemasan dikecualikan -.-) 
Karangan BM aku hancussss pada perenggan-perenggan yang terakhir....yelah kan, aku bukannya hebat sangat dalam bab-bab bahasa ibunda ni. Ayat & isi yang mengarut, berbelit-belit...gerenti karangan aku kena "pengiktirafan" karangan paling tak sedap dan akan diedarkan kepada semua budak kelas aku dan ....ya, aku duk fikir bukan-bukan je. Tapi bahagian edaran tu memang PASTI.
Addmath pulak? Okey je kut? Yang pastinya, aku salah buat graf yang sepatutnya kena betul kerana soalan itu amatlah senang sebenarnya.. Sila menangis sekarang juga, rugi 2 markah di situ sudah.
Kimia.... aku tertinggal dua soalan (frustfrustfrustfrust) kerana 
1) mak aku tunggu dah kat bawah :( 
2) aku tak ingatlah maksud resapan & isotop yang buat rawat penyakit thyroid. Padah tidur dalam kelas.

Lepas tu aku pun dah tergesa-gesa mencari pengesahan dll. Sehabisnya aku mencari pengesahan, aku pun menangis bila jumpa kengkawan yang sungguh . baik . hati . bersalam dengan aku, bagi kata-kata semangat kat aku, etc. Muka masa tu,... mata merah & berair, hidung merah, muka pucat. Muka aku memang tak lawa bila menangis. Dan...err, tidaklah ia cantik pada setiap masa, sebenarnya... melainkan seandainya anda yang merasakan demikian, hihii :p

Dah dah. Post dah panjang sangat dah. Nanti sambunggggggg ~

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Maybe I'm going a little too fast?

Soalan matematik tambahan adalah seperti lingkaran benang yang berselirat, sesungguhnya untuk mencari punca utamanya adalah dengan menenangkan fikiran dan perasaan, seterusnya cuba menarik simpulan satu persatu dengan sabar.

Assalamualaikum. OK I made up that sentence above. It's not a quote from a renowned person, it's something that I've made up on the way home, in the bus. I was actually done with my Addmaths homework, and I was pretty satisfied with my work (but I didn't check the answers so I don't know whether they're right or wrong, lol) and so this set of sentences/phrases jumped in my mind out of nowhere.
Dude, even additional maths makes me go philosophical all of a sudden.

Right right. Now what am I supposed to talk about next?
* insert the sounds of singing crickets here *

AHA! Lightbulb moment!

I think I've gone a little too far with the lightbulb. Anyway let's see ... ummmmmm
Yeah, I'm at home.
Of course I'm home. Where else would I be blogging right now? And there's been some happenings, but then I'm too lazy to make a long long post so I guess I'll just tell a few.

First, there was the gruelling, painstaking cross-country race.
Ah, makes me tired just thinking about it, eh? My limbs were stiff for a week, like there are rocks attached to my joints and tendons. Every movement of my feet consists of dragging, heaving, the works. And as for my achievement in the competition, let's just say it's a great downscale from the good top ten I've got last year (I mean, that was fair enough. We only needed to compete with the girls from our own form. But this year the competitions pretty intense, with the fifth-formers who happen to be really really really good runners).
Another thing, let's just say OH YEAH I'M PRETTY RELIEVED because the people who aced this cross-country race had to compete for the district levels and the training is complete exhaustion. Plus it takes up most of our rest-and-relaxation time during the weekdays, which is from 5 to 6 p.m. Fuhfuh, so tiring. I wouldn't be able to cope, I'm never the one who knows time management like the back of my hand.

And to think,
to think!
That my good great awesome friend whom I always sing 'Gurindam Jiwa' with, is leaving me out in the cold.
Literally. February showers make our dorm--or basically, the whole school--feel like Alaska. A wetter version of Alaska, that is, but Alaska nonetheless! Sheltered in the sanctum of Asma' (er, that's the name of my dorm.), curled in the warmth of my blanket, mmmmmm what a good evening nap. Ohoho :D

Eh, er, what was I saying again?
Right, what I'm trying to say is that Siti Fatonah,
my good great awesome friend whom I always sing 'Gurindam Jiwa' with ..
my wonderful dorm-mate for 1 year and 30 days & class-mate for 2 years and 30 days ..
the person who always has a song to sing / lyrical phrase to go with the situation ..
the person who accompanies me at the back line of the choral speaking group ..
the person who always has something pretty interesting to say .. 
the person who remembers funny TV commercials ..
the person whom I see first when I wake up in the morning .. (well, her bed is in front of mine?)

eh eh muka aiiii :P

and most of all, the friend who's always been by my side and never left,
is finally going to make her mark somewhere else.
.. DUUDE! I couldn't sing 'Gurindam Jiwa' all by meself, it's a duet. And I couldn't think of anyone else who'd be actually willing to sing this good old song with me.
And if I could, it wouldn't be the same...
* teardrop *
Anyhow.. I should just take the fate in acceptance, even as hard it might be to do so.. and borrow Adele's words ..
I wish nothing but the best for you

And I guess I could carry a tune without slipping too much,
so okay Tonah! You'd better visualize me singing this with my hair flying around, wringing the clothes at the sink, wearing my dark brown sweatpants and a damp white t-shirt.
* clears throat *

tuai padi antara masak
esok jangan .... layu-layuan
intai kami antara nampak
esok jangan .... rinduuu-rinduannn (you can imagine me doing this tunelessly, bahaha)

anak cina pasang lukahh
lukah dipasang ..... di tanjung jati
di dalam hati takkan ku lupa
bagai rambut tersimpul mati ...

batang selasih permainan budak ..
daun selasih .... dimakan kuda ..
bercerai kasih .. talak tiadaaa
seribu tahun ..... kembali juga ~

Mm, good song ain't it? I love it.
And the memory of you, while singing this, makes it even more special :")
sniff sniff.
Greaaaaaat, now I'm actually crying. And laughing. At the same time.
I hope I'm not qualified to enrol in mental asylum though..

di sini jua memori tercipta
walau seketika terjalin kasih kita
mungkin di sini kita kan berpisah
kenangan bersama takkan kulupa

I'm doing a lot of singing in the crack of the morning, that's for sure =__="
Sorry. Hope you (referring to anyone anyone who reads this post) don't mind. You haven't heard me in the shower yet :P
...and I guess my voice is worse in there. Hahaha.

So I guess this is the end of my post, I've got plenty of homework going on here and it's because of this blog I'm abandoning them temporarily. Tsk tsk tsk ~

C'est la vie, :)