Saturday, May 5, 2012

living a life, a very different life.

Salutations & greetings, dear individual who happened to click on the link and read this blog.
Ahh I've been very vague about the happenings in my life, time is scarce ain't it?
Actually at first I was very enthused to write, but apparently I always forget what I was going to write, the second I placed my fingers on the keyboard. Sigh.

Life at Sester is different than it was at my beloved SMK Mak Lagam (and I still have some stuff left there. I'd better drop by and take 'em before they become historical artifacts), but somehow it still has its similarities. But the differences are more dominant.
I mean, even the people there call me by different names. My name was abbreviated to KB (can you imagine? Only two letters of the alphabet!) and some people have even took to calling me Bahirah, which is a name I rarely ever use to refer to myself. Still I don't mind. Change could be something quite refreshing.
(tapi rasa cam lawak ah orang panggil KB. lol)

Life, is less leisurely. Take my word for that. At my old school, I'd walk at a snail's pace. Uhhh, okay, not exactly. But time seemed to move so sloooooow there, plenty of time to gossip with the dorm-mates (while doing our homework of course! ;D), plenty of time to do some extra addmaths questions, plenty of time to doze under the bright pink blanket in the evenings. But when I got to kaytee, there's just no time to do all of that. Except for the occasional relaxed Friday evenings where I'd sit at the patio, eye to eye with an Addmaths workbook, haughtily ignoring the scores of girls and guys busy Facebooking and DotA-ing respectively. Sejarah, no chance of me being caught with that, with my eyes open. Coz usually I'd be snoring next to it =="

Clothes, are less strict. Wah! OK this is probably the second-best thing I could think of Sester, hahaha :D The dress code is relatively more independent, and I loooove the fact that we could wear t-shirts during evening prep (extra classes included unless said otherwise) and 'abaya for night prep. The 'abaya is definitely DA BOMB since it's so easy, quick, convenient, no need to iron. A short-sleeved tee, comfy pants, slip on the abaya and tudung and you're ready to go! Cool right? OK this is definitely on the days when you have the scarcest of times to fuss about ironing your baju kurung and stuff :P
And the fact that students could wear brooches to school (macam nak secure tudung kat bawah dagu) is quite shocking, since I, being an ex-prefect at my old school, used to write out the names of the misdeed-doers and give 'em to the PKP, and had confiscated them on occasion, handing them over to the teacher on duty, on their orders. No offense, but it's quite a lot to get used to, seeing all those senior prefects wearing brooches under their chins :">

The students, are so open-minded. Nice breath of fresh air that is. They've got this sort of.....what do you call it? Perspective, yeah, perspective. A whole new viewpoint on the world. Meeting new people, is quite engaging. I could talk to them about all sorts of things which I've never talked about to others. Sometimes I feel so intimidated, so immature with their charisma (most of them have that certain quality). Maybe that's the bug you catch when you get to SBP. Hopefully I'd get to catch that charisma bug too, and stand level to level with them, inshaAllah :D

Haha that's it I guess.
Oh and btw,
Pray for me. The midterms are looming and I still end up sleeping while reading Sejarah :O

please note the Elit Terengganu tshirt!! terharu tak. xP

my new family, at the night of KIS (Karnival Islam Sester). I entered nasheed =="

1 comment:

  1. lama kelamaan KB akan kene suaikan diri jugak dengan persekitaran..cuba lagi..
