Friday, May 25, 2012

semester holidays, commence!

Say heeeeeeeeey hoooooo.
Finally! Finally! The semester break has finally responded to the summons of many many students from all over Malaysia, all huffing & puffing exhaustedly after weeks of the suck-ish midterm exams, desperately dying for a rest from the whirlwind of pandemonium, complication, confusion and turmoil of which we sum up in one single word: SCHOOL.

my schoolmates & teachers on Teacher's Day. Notice that girl in white tudung, her head bowed down (in sleep, fourth row from the back)

Haha, random photo.

And I'm so glad that the midterms are O-O-O-O-OVER. Yes people, no more exams! In the meantime, that is. There's still the Diagnostics Test in August and the end-of-year exams to endure though, so how unfortunate you are. Sigh.

The weeks of last-minute studying were painstaking. Midterms came to me somewhat of a surprise, though, everything was astoundingly DIFFERENT than what I've experienced with. The multitude of essays and whatnot.. yeah, it's hard getting used to. And well, I'm not granted with that extraordinary ability to memorize stuff easily and precisely so it's pretty difficult to do essay questions.
And Addmaths was a horror story, do mind! OK not Addmaths in general. Addmaths is quite engaging, actually, it's logarithms that addle my brain into a mishmash.

Results? iz a so-far-so-good kinda thing but well perhaps for you brilliant-thinkers and all-round-flying-colours-students it might not be so good after all. *ashamed* Anyhow, alhamdulillah :)


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