Tuesday, December 6, 2011

being random like always

Lately, I've been spending a lot of time on my blog. Typical on year-end hols. It's only now that we have time to spare ... being a boarder it's almost impossible to update. Scarce time + homework + tight schedule. What do you expect?
Anyway, it's already December for 6 days now, eh? How fast time flies, I'm sixteen next year. Hope I could be wiser in making my choices in life. Think I've grown up a lot, idk. I know I'm still immature--can't destroy the inner child, but less immature than few years back. 

When I look back, I've been through a "gedik" phase, lost-sense-of-dignity phase, and blahblahblah. Being an adolescent (I prefer this word over the word 'teenager'. I don't know how I discovered the word 'adolescent', but I used it since I'm 12.), I guess it's normal to go through a lot of different, ever-changing phases cause we're a bit unsettled concerning our identity. Plus the hormones.
Well, as long one doesn't have suicidal urges (nauzubillah!), I think it's okay.

This blog is a total zero. I'm not entirely sure about why I'm still putting up posts here, aka pit of nowhere.
Anyone who reads this must have done this on a whim, or something, because it is definitely not the most interesting of blogs. In fact, I think this could have been nominated "Most Boring Blog of The Year" if there are awards like that. Notify me if there are. I'd like to be in the running.

But then, I do like to write. It's sort of a passion I somehow developed along my childhood. I started blogging since I was 12, I think. My old blog has probably turned to dust due to abandonment. I guess I blog because I like writing about random stuff, but I should write about something more worthwhile. Maybe when I get older, I'll become a part-time journalist writing about medical research or something like that. Who knows?
Well, besides having a career in surgical medicine, I've always harboured a secret--well, now it's not a secret, hehe--dream of getting my writing published in the Reader's Digest. Or just in any newspaper or magazine. But well, most importantly I reeeeeally dream of writing a RD article. Most people read RD, right? (I do, it's my favourite reading material. I don't know if you don't read RD) I'll not be writing about hot controversy and conspiracy, though. Just a nice, lukewarm, informative piece. It's like a biting in a freshly-baked scone for breakfast on a lovely weekend.
Still I do want to write about medical research, and that's serious. That's not a freshly-baked scone, is it?
Oh well. I'm starting to ramble nonsense here, so I'd better stop now. Have a lovely holiday, :)

PS. I want to start on my Form 4 reading today! What will I discover?
PPS. I've finally watched Tangled, even though it was around for already a long time. I'm so not up-to-date. I give it  :D
Definitely Best Movie Ever, added to my list of favourite movies--I definitely appreciate a good comedy-and-romance film, added that I'm a sucker to Disney animated movies. Especially the old ones dating from the 40s. Told you I'm immature, and while I'm at it, an old-school kid. peace yeah :P

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