Monday, December 5, 2011


Well hello it's me in the middle of the night wanting to sleep but couldn't sleep because I've slept a little too soundly in the car.
Apparently I'm too eager to write--excuse me, type--that I left out all comma and fullstops at the appropriate places. Well actually I'm not really eager to update, but apparently Facebook is blah, I suck at Twitter and I think my head's getting the spin-spin after a 300-plus-kilometre journey to read up on dear darling Wikipedia.

Which brings me to why I'm typing this blog post starting 12.12 am on the fifth of December, 2011.
I've been on a 300-kilometre journey from mommy's birthplace, Negeri Sembilan because she has some reunion with her old high-school friends.

I can't imagine me on a high-school reunion. What will I say? (probably blurt out something by the lines of, "Hey everyone, I'm the nerd who sits at the back of the class who hates sports and gets my nose buried in a book during free period.") Would it be totally awkward? (As if I'm not awkward enough) Will I get fatter? (NO!!!! PLEASE NOOOOOOOO) Will I be married to some handsome Middle Eastern lookalike with 5 gorgeous children in tow? (hehe.... :">) Will I be the awesome renowned cardiac surgeon at the National Heart Institute? (hopefully!) Will I ..... I should snap out of this.

Okay that's getting a teensy out of the line. Right, it's my mom's high school alumni reunion party. Big deal. As if anyone would want to actually know about it. No one asked.
Problem is, I'm soooooooooooo bored right now, y'know?

I went there to gorge on food, take pictures and spy on hot guys--er, not really. I actually kept my head down and avoided all social contact with anyone.....not that there were advances from any of them, anyway. Not even a Hi. Or Assalamualaikum. Or "Hey, what's your name?" No-one wanted to know the drabby speccie in oversized blue. (am I doomed to a life of loneliness? insert sad violin piece here)
Plus, when my lips made contact with the fish they served for lunch there, ah well, they got a little swollen. How was I supposed to know I'm allergic to it, anyway? Most fish look pretty much the same, and I couldn't specify the particular ones that I was allergic to. And yeah, my lips probably screamed out Angelina Jolie chic during their allergic reactions. Guess I don't need Restylane to get my lips plumped up. Just get me near to the cencaru and I'd be good to go to be in Hollywood...not that I want to, anyway =.="
So, from my point of view, that event was a 3 on the 1-10 scale of interest.
And the trip back was long and tiring, even though I slept most of the way. Heheh.
Which explains my sleepless solitude tonight. (that was a line from one of Mariah Carey's songs)

Good night.

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