Saturday, December 10, 2011


I've been doing a lot of thinking with this one. But I came to the decision...why not? It might not mean anything, but it means a lot to me. It means that I could finally post something worthwhile to read.
At least, for me.
Well, here goes...

Change, is a part of every one.
I change. You change. We change. Everyone changes.
Whether its physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually.

We talk about changing for the better.
But well, the 'better' depends on what we think is better, because one's perspective is different. Sometimes what we think is good for us, is actually something that we shouldn't do.

Fighting has been enjoined upon you while it is hateful to you. But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not. (Quran, 2:216)
We've heard a lot, for instance:

"Aku nak try ah ponteng kelas sekali, bosan siot belajar"
"Geram aku tengok baju tuh. Aku nak pakai lah, seksi sikit jea orang bukannya kesah"

That's the 'better' on a negative perspective. May we be avoided from thoughts like that, and similar to that.
Sadly I've once thought about the latter sentence. And I had done that. And with that, I am totally ashamed with myself. Oh dear....
But! There is always time to change for the better. The positive kind of better, the true kind of better.
The better that comes with Allah's pleasure.
The better that leads you the way to Jannah.
Like .... you want to be a better student, with better grades. You want to be a better daughter/son, who obliges the parents. You want to be a better Muslim, who follows Allah's commands obligatorily.

Usually when we try to change for the better, there will be all matter of responses. 
Encouragement. And usually the ones who encourage will guide us in our change. We should be that kind of person, who encourages others to do good things.
But when there's the good, there is the bad. When there's encouragement, there will be always people who belittle your efforts, despite that you want to be a better person.
Usually they want you to stay the same, as they couldn't accept the thought of you being better.

"Ala, apa la ko ni. Tengok aku, rileks je buat gitu gini. Tiba-tiba je ko tobat. Tak rock lah. Be yourself la derr"
And that's a misusage of the word "be yourself". A positive being an excuse for the negative. Many people do that, like using words from hadith and Quran to stand up for dirty deeds. Or boldly use the mantra "Just Do It" when they attempt the rebellious and dangerous.

A: Weh, kenapa dia tak balas-balas lagi mesej aku? Aku lama da mintak couple dengan dia, demm!
B: Assobru minal iman ....

Uhuh. That's one problem.

Okay, back to where I've left off.
So okay, there will be people who discriminate, condemn the ones who want to change to be better. ( but it's better if there's not )
There are a lot of stories about Muslim converts' experiences on how they were abandoned by their families and friends, because of their new identities as Muslims. So did they give up? No! There are success stories. They kept on going. In fact, with their new Islamic beliefs, there are some people who ended up with their families openly embracing the new faith. Alhamdulillah for them :)
And that's when we should say ..... Assobru minal iman. Patience is a part of faith.
Even though there are others who will make you feel uneasy, keep on your best intentions and ignore the distractions. For who knows? Maybe the ones who keep on condemning will accept your notions of change and will follow in your steps :)

So when we resolve to change to the good, well do it!
( because usually we are more motivated to do ... uh, things that are bad for us. Nauzubillah. )
We often say that we want to change, but it doesn't actually happen. Or that it did happen, but it was stopped short halfway because:
1) You couldn't take the criticism. Words stab more pain than swords.
2) There are others who succeeded in pulling you back.
3) You lost to your temptations, and eventually given up on the efforts.

Yes. We shouldn't just talk about our intentions to change, instead we should just abandon all talk and actually get around to accomplish our noble intentions. We shouldn't just pray to be better, because we need to insert the efforts along with it.
Those who pray but do not have the effort are lazy. Those who have effort but do not pray are conceited.- unknown

"For each one are successive [angels] before and behind him who protect him by the decree of Allah . Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves. And when Allah intends for a people ill, there is no repelling it. And there is not for them besides Him any patron." (Quran, 13:11)

Panas usah membakar dada
Suara usah menggegar sahaja
Kalau benar membawa cita
Di dalam senyap kumpulkan tenaga

Ayam bertelur sekampung tahu
Mengapa mesti kita begitu?
Falsafah ubi diam berisi
Mengapa tidak kita turuti?
- Seuntai Kata Untuk Dirasa, A. Samad Said

Fuhh :)
Before I finish this post, make sure that your change to good is not merely an impression.
As a human being, we find pleasure when people praise us for our actions, intentions, etc. We feel that teeny swell inside our hearts when people actually like what we do.
But we are not created to please everyone. We are created to please Allah.
The important thing is ... you change for His sake. Not for anyone else, but Him.

I'm writing this because I want to remind myself, and the others who read this.
Lets change to the good, and may we be in His path. Insha-Allah :)

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