Friday, December 30, 2011

i'm no good at titles.

Reasons why I like to eat cooked freshwater catfish of the family Plotosidae. (or okay, more widely known as ikan sembilang. I got the scientific family name from Wikipedia. Haha)
1) I'm not allergic to it. Apparently my lips inflate if I eat most fish. Sigh, life goes on.
2) There's no such fish served in the school dining hall T-T
3) It. Is. Hands-down. Delicious. No matter however way you cook it. (I doubt this could be made into sushi though. PS. I don't like sushi)

Masha-Allah, I had that for dinner and I felt a momentary lapse of reality. One bite, and I've probably soared to a temporary state of euphoria :")
I've once read about the folktale behind its existence (try Googling it, it's pretty cool) but obviously it didn't really happen. But ancient folktales are often interesting to read, even though they aren't true. They've got a lot of moral values, that's for sure. I usually like the ones involving them princesses. (immature, immature.)

The people from a long, long, long time ago, pass the time with those folktales (it's probably them who actually made up all that stuff) since they don't have TV, computers, touchscreen tablets or well... most of the high-tech gizmo we have right now. The stories are also a medium for non-formal know, teach little kids about good manners, life lessons and stuff, I think.

For me, I guess telling stories is a reliable way to spend time and integrate moral values among youth. I've always liked hearing older people do the storytelling, usually my aunts and uncles would do that. They usually play the actual role of a penglipur lara. Nowadays, the thing closest to a penglipur lara is probably the bringer of gossip and uncertain rumors. And well, admit it, we (especially the female ones) do have a secret enjoyment in gossip, do we not? I admit, I'm quite partial to listening to it, but...juicy gossip is clearly not a good thing though, they're discreetly associated with the bad, the aib of others.
"Woe to every slanderer and backbiter." Quran, 104:1
Abu Hurairah r.a. relates that Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said: "Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should speak good or remain silent." [Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim]

Spoken clear in the Quran. Spoken in the hadith. Why can't I control my tongue? Why can't we control our tongues? Unanswerable. It is very difficult to resist temptation, to tame our wild desire that attempts to steer us from doing the right. The strong one is not the one who overcomes people, the strong one is he who overcomes his ego (nafs). And so, we must strive for the jihad ul-nafs.
And try to control ourselves from speaking ill of others, especially from behind their backs, and most especially if the people we talk about are of our own loved family, kith and kin, or our own dear friends.

Much as we love to hear gossip, restrain from hearing it, spreading it...just basically, anything that has to do with gossip!
This is more to a reminder for myself, and also people who take time to read this blog. Hope you benefit from anything I've been writing (even though I mostly ramble nonsense, heheh)

Well, this has came a long way from the reasons of liking to eat cooked freshwater catfish. =_="
Mm-hmm, way off-topic.

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