Thursday, December 1, 2011

walk away

This is another post about a teenager who has nothing to do on the Internet and decides to read her books once she's done with typing this.

Been to beloved school, packed up my sister's stuff and left. Hey, it sounds so simple when the actual work is like ... oh, I don't want to describe it actually. In reality, we ( as in me, mum, little siblings ) were there for 3 hours straight packing up the busload--okay, exaggerating--of my sister's stuff, a year's worth.
- Note to self: always be organized & eveready. Esp during end-of-year.

after that, we went to Mesra Mall. Like usual. I met a lot of familiar faces from high school, primary school--even met my neighbour there, haha. It's probably--no, more like obviously--a prime spot for those residing in the Kemaman & Dungun area. Coolest hangout available, maybe. There's not much shopping complexes in Terengganu, let alone them providing cinemas & bowling. Where else to go? Unless if you're a kid who prefers hanging out in back-alleys, then to Mesra Mall you'll go for a trendier hangout. Well, compared to the great many complexes in KL, it's like putting white roe next to caviar. In my opinion that is. If you Google white roe and caviar, you'll see the significant comparison. I'm not gonna get in the whole saga of explaining it.

Or maybe I am. Don't read this if you're insisting on interrogating Mr. Google.
Okay. So from my understanding, white roe is ........ the seminal fluid of fish. Don't know what seminal fluid is? (Yeah right.) Well look up a Form 3 textbook. You'll know soon enough. White roe is also known simply as milt. While caviar, is the roe of certain wild sturgeon species, considered a luxury delicacy to all corners of the world. Unless you happen to have great piles of money in your wallet, your pocket plus a flourishing bank account. Back to the main story. So if you're comparing seminal fluid to expensive fish roe .. well get the idea.
Despite so, that doesn't mean white roe is plain crap. No, no... it's considered a delicacy in Japan. It's probably good-tasting enough to become a delicacy --not that I've ever tasted it, anyway. When it comes to fish, I only eat its flesh, and nothing more.
So, as I've said before, white roe isn't plain crap and is considered good enough to become a delicacy. Just like MM. When you put it side to side with all the great malls designated as teen hangouts in KL, yes it'll lose. But for people around certain areas, MM is trendy enough. So there.

I think I'm just speaking plain nonsense. There's a 60% possibility that you can't make head or tail of that explanation offence if you don't understand. Even my head's getting dizzy here.
This is getting awkward.
....let's just say I got meself two copies of the Reader's Digest for RM15. Great bargain for a bookie like me. I've got my eye on a few titles ( not purchased. YET ) .. mostly non-fiction. I try to not litter my head in too much fiction and get my mind from the castle in the clouds to the dirty ground of the real world. If you're delving a little too much in fantasia, it's either you haven't reached full-fledged maturity, or you're a crackpot who's dosed a lot of crack and is currently smoking pot. Or, you've been reading too much fiction. Like yours truly ;p

But hey, we could all do with imagination. As long we don't lose sense of what's happening in reality.
Like ol' Dumbledore has wisely said,
 It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

And oh, if you're wondering, yes I'm a Pottergeek. I should add that to my description straightaway. ;)

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