Saturday, January 21, 2012

Long time no see.

hoi hoi ya hoi
kita semua gembira

(line from Ali Baba Bujang Lapok)
Of course we're all glad, it's a holiday. Remember?

Um... Assalamualaikum. Welcome back to my wasteland, I guess, the territory where I speak none but the incarnation, the figments of my thoughts. It has been a long time since I've written--typed--so I guess here's a little something that I'm inclined to talk about.
It's not that I don't have ideas on what to write about. In fact, I've got a pretty lot of suggestions meself running through the head of mine but I just don't know how to properly integrate it in words. Our thoughts are a complexity, I must agree. How do we think, actually? How do we visualize things inside our head, what do we see them with?
You must think I'm talking nonsense, and yes I am talking nonsense. Sigh. I should snap out of it, that's for sure, I'm starting to lose track of what I'm really trying to say.

School. Six letters.
Derived from a Greek word, σχολή (pronounced scholē).. originally meant as 'leisure'. Or 'that in which leisure is employed'. Source: Wikipedia
Reality check: School isn't much of that, that's for sure. Such irony implemented in the old definition.

School is definitely not leisure, relax and recreation, nuh-uh-uh! Very far away from that.
Well, except during the few rare times on the weekends, but we'll just skip that cause well, homework becomes even more abundant during the precious two days.

What's it like being a Form Four student? Many had asked me that. You haven't asked, and wouldn't even wanna ask. Nevertheless, I've decided to relate the monotonously mind-bending tale.
The usual morning line-up would start with the tedious routine:
Rub my eyes. Sit on the bed for a while, trying to register the whole thing in....right, school. Swing my legs out of bed, find a rubber band to secure my straggly hair flying all over the place, brush my teeth, take my humongous towel, enter the showers and let the cold water awaken my drowsy eyelids....

Okay, I guess you'd be familiar with all of that. I shouldn't even have told you that, anyway.
So what else should I talk about?
There's been some enforcement on the school rules, but it works for me, though. I'm not complaining, cause I guess...well to be frank, I'm okay with it anyway.

BUT don't get me started on the piles of homework I get every day.
Oh homework. You've caused me sleep an hour later than what I've usually succumbed myself to, but what could I say? New subjects to learn, more homework to finish. And so, I've ended up going to bed at 12 midnight and above--gasp!--when usually during the yesteryears I'd get myself snuggled sound around 10.45-11.30 pm. But I guess I'll just have to get used to it.

Like the fact I have to learn all the Science subjects and Mathematical subjects in Bahasa Melayu. You see, there's only one subject stream in my school and that's Pure Science. Engineering Drawing, Accounting and Art could be taken as an optional addition, but well...
1) I'm already tired of wrestling with accounts in PD last year. I like Maths, but if there's too much I get easily muddled.
2) I get impatient easily, and Engineering Drawing takes a loooooot of patience and meticulousness. Therefore, that subject is definitely ruled out from my list.
3) Art? Uummhh... despite my liking to drawing, I'm not interested in it as a subject. How formal.

It's not the subject's fault that I'm not taking it, so blame me for being so picky.
And so, I'm a 9-subject student.... no more, no less.
(But actually I'm really interested in taking Tasawwur Islam. But too bad they don't have that optional subject at school anymore T.T)

Enough about that! I was talking about getting used to Science subjects and Math subjects in Bahasa Melayu. Regarding that...I'd say it's a hustle to get adapted. Thank goodness the teacher teachs Physics in English. Because well it's pretty complicated in Malay, and as you see, I do have a little problem in mastering my mother language so...
I can speak my mother language. But I'm not particularly good at it. I couldn't decipher the scientific Malay terms, and I have a problem in spotting mistakes in Malay grammar because of my weak ability to do so.
And urgh, the ultimate proof...?

You're reading it.
I even blog in English, for goodness sake! Disgraceful! But I like blogging in English. *sheepish smile*
If I blog in Bahasa Melayu, I'd probably end up as a typical teenage blogger. You find a lot of them around the Internet. And I don't like to be described as typical, thank you very much :)

What else? What else?
Guess there's nothing more since it's a little too early to get an overall viewpoint of things.

PS. most of my friends got SBP (er, not my schoolmates. I meant my old friends during primary school :D) and MRSM. And ..... I'm sorta sad cause my beloved dorm-mate is leaving to MRSM Pengkalan Chepa. Tonah, do your best there, take care and don't forget me :(
I should try myself a second chance at SBP. This time I'll do it right, insha-Allah! Please pray for my success in getting myself a place there, ne?

PPS. I have a lot of homework, but it has only been a 40% progress. Procrastination, procrastination, tsk tsk tsk ~

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