Monday, January 2, 2012

tears falling down my cheeks

La tahzan, inallaha ma'ana. (Quran, 9:40)
Translated: Grieve not; surely Allah is with us.
This is quite a popular verse, even made as a book title in fact. And the meaning is enough to make us smile, to forget our sadness for a while.
We are never alone in our grief. Yes, besides the fact that we are surrounded by our loved ones; friends, family, relatives and so on, Allah is always with us, still with us and will never leave us.

And to be honest, I'm a little sad about matters which I couldn't discuss here...Internet is quite a public place, and I intend to keep my personal predicaments private. I'm brave enough to express what I'm feeling, but the reasons of it? I don't think it's necessary, because you may have differed opinions and I don't intend to offend anyone here. So I guess this post is mostly to cure my despair.
There's one thing though.. I'm not really psyched up in the back-to-school mood.

Oh, the malady of sadness and despair.
I will not rage against what has been set for me, indeed we must believe and accept the Qada' and Qadar.
Difficulties, trivialities, are tests. To determine our patience. To determine our emotional, spiritual strength to get up and overcome the great quandary that has befallen us.
... And so, how do we actually summon that patience and strength?

First of all, we shouldn't blame fate. Because that will mean that we put the blame fully on our Creator, whereas He has something better in store for you. After all, He is the All-Knowing. And He definitely knows what He's doing, no question. If we accept life howsoever it happens, then surely we are able to start our first step in erasing our grief.

What else? Oh yeah, please refer back to the verse above. Allah is always with us, so let's get in touch with Him. How else are we going to know that He is always with us if we don't bring ourselves to Him?
Whenever we call upon him, He will respond. Of course we can always express our sadness to others, but 'tis better to find refuge with our Lord. It is exceptionally calming. Make a du'a, and spill out your secrets, your insecurities. Ask for His help, and ask for His forgiveness. Read the Quran, or listen to it. Delve yourselves in the Kalamullah, and you'll find divine peace within yourselves. Honest. Someone who puts all his/her entire faith and trust in Allah will never feel solitary.
"Those who believe, and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah: for without doubt in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction." Quran, 13:28
He has opened for you the door of repentance. Therefore whenever you call Him, He hears your call, and whenever you whisper to Him, He knows the whisper. You place before him your needs, unveil before Him yourself, complain to Him for your worries, beseech Him to remove your troubles, seek His help in your affairs, and ask from the treasures of His mercy what no-one else has the power to give, namely long life, health of body, and increase of livelihood. Imam Ali (a) Letter 31, Nahjul Balagha
Think positively. Happiness isn't found without some sadness along the way. If we only know happiness, we'll never know how to truly appreciate life, right?

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